Friday, August 22, 2008

I Love Children Now?!?!?!

Anyone who knows me knows that for a long time, I've been a one-subject kind of photographer. A wedding photographer. I love shooting weddings, and that's IT! Then I creeped into pet photography. But that's it, and that's just for fun. I never thought I would enjoy children's portraits. I've never been great with kids. I just don't have the gene. So when Annie, my old friend from high school, emailed me to take photos of her little boy, Marek, I was torn. I love Annie, wanted to see her again, because it's been forever! But children's portraits aren't my thing. Or are they? When I think of children's portraits, I think of kitschy set-ups, like baby in the bubble bath, baby with chef's hat making spaghetti, baby with angel wings, baby popping out of soup can... the list goes on. But Marek and Annie met with Alberto and me at a nice little park, and we just had fun. Crawling around, looking at fish, climbing IN trees, the whole shebang. Alberto was a huge help. He has the gene. He was my "make this kid laugh" go-to guy. We were a team. I loved the shoot. Anyone out there with a child, bring them my way. You're not going to get any bath time Easter bunny soup can angel wing photos, but we'll definitely have fun.


Unknown said...

Julie you did an incredible job of portraying Marek and I so naturally. I have shown them off to everyone and a few people actually got teary-eyed over the pics! Believe it or not it wasn't Aunt Becky!! You have so much talent and I think you and Alberto are wonderful with kids. Marek enjoyed the harmonica so much he got his out when we got home and started playing it in sync with his movements. It was so comical and I owe that all to Alberto! Of course, I am completely partial to my kid but I know you can depict other kids as beautifully and naturally as you did Marek. I can't wait to see you again (reunion time!) take care and I will see you soon!!!!

MamaCass said...

These are great! I loved the 1 year pictures you took of Tobey! They are my most favorite pictures of him. He's turning three on Saturday and it is about time to get his pictures taken again. I may be giving you a call!

Janelle and Ella said...

These are amazing!!!!! I know that little boy loved you guys! We definitely need to set up an Ella shoot.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Girl, I could have told you a long time ago that you're gifted with children! We still gaze at the ones of Ava as a newborn you took--beautiful work!

Can't wait to see Sarah Beth's! Glad y'all made it happen even with Ike!

Anonymous said...

Huh. Why haven't I commented on these yet. I LOVE THEM!!! I love the colors, the angles, but most of all the genuine smiles and personality that you captured.