Friday, August 22, 2008

Rachel's Bridal Fashion Shoot

I had so much fun shooting Rachel's bridal portrait. She is one of my favorite brides. She'll go along with my ideas even when they sound kooky. Such as "Go sit on that pile of rubble and hike up your skirt so I can see those boots." And we got such great shots. A tip to brides: be adventurous! So many possibilities for fashiony, dynamic photographs lie just beyond your comfort zone.

I Love Children Now?!?!?!

Anyone who knows me knows that for a long time, I've been a one-subject kind of photographer. A wedding photographer. I love shooting weddings, and that's IT! Then I creeped into pet photography. But that's it, and that's just for fun. I never thought I would enjoy children's portraits. I've never been great with kids. I just don't have the gene. So when Annie, my old friend from high school, emailed me to take photos of her little boy, Marek, I was torn. I love Annie, wanted to see her again, because it's been forever! But children's portraits aren't my thing. Or are they? When I think of children's portraits, I think of kitschy set-ups, like baby in the bubble bath, baby with chef's hat making spaghetti, baby with angel wings, baby popping out of soup can... the list goes on. But Marek and Annie met with Alberto and me at a nice little park, and we just had fun. Crawling around, looking at fish, climbing IN trees, the whole shebang. Alberto was a huge help. He has the gene. He was my "make this kid laugh" go-to guy. We were a team. I loved the shoot. Anyone out there with a child, bring them my way. You're not going to get any bath time Easter bunny soup can angel wing photos, but we'll definitely have fun.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

April & Brian

I had a blast with April and Brian on their engagement shoot in downtown Dallas. These are my favorites from the shoot.